For people living with haemophilia, bleeds can sometimes occur into
the joints, especially hinged joints, such as, knees, elbows and
ankles. If these bleeds happen multiple times into a joint then the
joint could become damaged and degraded, potentially leading to
arthropathy or 'arthritic damage' which may benefit from surgery. The
following video will provide more information about arthropathy.
Elective orthopaedic surgery or 'EOS' can refer to a wide range of
surgical procedures, from less invasive minor surgery, such as the
removal of fluid from a joint, through to a potential joint
replacement. Elective means that this type of surgery is planned,
rather than urgently necessary. EOS can have a number of benefits,
such as, helping to mobilise the joints and reduce any pain associated with the joint, ultimately improving
quality of life.
It is important to remember that EOS is a decision made between the
person living with haemophilia and the healthcare team. With new
treatment options, it is hopeful that EOS will not be needed; however,
if it is, we hope these pages can provide you with enough information
and support that you feel able to have an open
discussion with your healthcare team about EOS.
Types of Elective Orthopaedic Surgery (EOS)
There are several different types of EOS ranging from removing excess
fluid from a joint, to joint replacement surgery. The following
information is for information purposes only and the type of EOS
procedure will be decided by the MDT based on the
individual person's needs.
Joint aspiration (arthrocentesis)
Joint 'aspiration', or 'fluid removal' can sometimes be performed to
alleviate associated pain and to debulk the joint blood in the elbows,
knees or ankles as the result of recurrent bleeds. It involves
removing fluid directly from the joints with a needle and fluid is
drawn out into a syringe (aspirated). This procedure can usually
performed as an outpatient, using a local anaesthetic. The procedure
should only take about 5–10 minutes. Hip or shoulder aspiration,
however, are considered to be orthopaedic procedures and
will need to be carried out under anaesthesia in an operating theatre.
Synovectomy and synoviorthesis
The space inside a joint is surrounded by a membrane called the
synovium and is filled with a lubricant called synovial fluid.
Recurrent bleeding into a joint means that the joint can reach a state
of chronic inflammation (synovitis) that increases the risk of
bleeding. The swollen membrane (synovium) tissue lining can be removed
to decrease the frequency and intensity of bleeding into the joint.
This can be done either by synoviorthesis or synovectomy.
Synoviorthesis is non-surgical removal of the swollen membrane
(synovium) using chemical or radiological infusions. The chemical or
radioactive compound will be injected into the joint. Synovectomy is
a surgical removal of the swollen membrane (synovium).
Total joint replacement (arthroplasty)
Total joint replacement or 'arthroplasty' involves removal of the
damaged bone and joint tissue and replacement with metal, ceramic or
plastic prostheses; however are generally only needed for severe pain
or disability. Total joint replacement is a surgical procedure that
requires a rehabilitation programme and preventative measures to avoid
infection. The procedure requires around a 2 weeks stay in hospital
and is performed under a general anaesthetic. During the hospital
stay, factor levels are monitored to control any bleeding episodes,
and a physical therapy programme is provided.
The following video will provide more information about different
surgical procedures. Also, if you wish to read about any procedures in
more detail, download the EOS booklet.
What are the benefits and risks of Elective Orthopaedic Surgery (EOS)?
Many people living with haemophilia worry about the risks of EOS, so
much so that it can even stop them from considering surgery.
It is natural to consider the risks of any surgery; however, EOS can
provide a number of positive outcomes and benefits, and the safety of
the surgery has been widely studied.
Your healthcare team will discuss any potential risks and benefits
with your during the consultation.
Could Elective Orthopaedic Surgery (EOS) be indicated for me or my loved one?
Do any of the below points sound familiar to what you and your
loved ones might be experiencing? If so, then please consult your
healthcare team about EOS.
Find out more
If you want to find out any more information or support on any of
the points discussed on this page you can download the ACT EOS journey tool.
Novo Nordisk, EOS in People with Haemophilia, 2013
Rodriguez-Merchán EC. EFORT Open Rev 2019;4:165-173
This material is for educational and informative purposes only. It
should not replace any advice or information provided by your
haemophilia specialist and/or other healthcare professionals. Surgery
in patients with haemophilia (with or without inhibitors) can
carry specific risks that should be carefully assessed and discussed
with your haemophilia specialist and multidisciplinary care team.
Surgery in patients with haemophilia (with or without inhibitors)
should always be done in consultation with a specialised
haemophilia treatment centre.